William K. Wolfrum’s Morning – July 29, 2010

July 29, 2010 by  

Look on the bright side - at least the Gulf of Mexico now looks super-bitchin’ under UV lighting.


Arizona Immigration Law: A federal judge strikes down parts of Arizona’s Illegal immigration law, meaning Jan Brewer will spend more of the state’s money on lawyers. And John McCain has a sad.

Obama on The View: Obama goes on The View? How unpresidential. Better to be like Bush and go on “Dr. Phil.”

Where’s the Oil?: It’s getting tougher and tougher to find oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Oh, it’s there, of course, it’s just been dispersed.

Silver Lining: At least Exxon made a massive profit this quarter.

Race to the Top: Obama touting his “Race to the Top” educational program. Texas already planning to call it a communist overthrow in their textbooks.

Crack Sentencing: Congress takes a step closer to stopping the madness when it comes to exorbitant sentencing for crack cocaine laws.


Interview with the Ex-Christian: Anne Rice says she still loves Christ, she’s just sick of Christianity, so she quit. Just like Jesus did.

It’s Relative: We could be living in a black hole. Think about THAT.

Colors, man: Some colorful illusions.

God Particle: The Large Hadron Collider is already giving scientists a woody.

Today’s Outrage

Coal companies have finally figured out how to get coal more easily - just blow off the tops of mountains.


Talking Points Memo: And we’re back to discussing Death Panels.

Citizen Cohn: Liberals can be an apathetic bunch.

Political Animal: Sure those that gave up their health to help on 9/11 are American heroes. That doesn’t mean the GOP wants to spend money on them, though.


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will sign into law “Reagan Day.” So now, every Feb 6, no one is allowed to mention AIDS. To celebrate, let’s remember the time Reagan dedicated a Space Shuttle Flight to the freedom Fighters (Now called “Taliban”) of Afghanistan.



One Response to “William K. Wolfrum’s Morning – July 29, 2010”

  1. Michael on July 29th, 2010 9:31 am

    I recommend reading the comments in the LHC article. They’re all “2012!!!!!!!” and whatnot. Awesome.

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