William K. Wolfrum’s Morning: World AIDS Day
December 1, 2010 by William K. Wolfrum
Wolfrum’s Word
Part of my morning was spent at the dentist, so there won’t be as much to report today. That said, today is World AIDS Day. As much as ever before, we need to focus on this disease, that is affecting our youth more than ever.
Of late, it seems the fear of AIDS has dissipated somewhat. It shouldn’t. It remains a horrifying disease with no cure. Protect yourselves. All of you.
The Hill: Darrell Issa may be a partisan hack, but he won’t stand for bad language. Trust me.
Osborne Ink: Matt can keep getting by with a little help from his friends.
Dan Wei: AIDS figures in China.
Psychology Today: How can you participate in World AIDS Day?
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