Penn State deserves worse

July 23, 2012 by  

Penn State just received a walloping from the NCAA for the Sandusky pedophilia ring. A penalty of $60 million, vacating all its wins from 1998 to 2011 and a ban from bowl games for four years.

And it’s not enough.

On its own, Penn State University needs to drop its football program for at least five years. Pulling Joe Paterno’s statue down and pretending like the last 40 years didn’t happen isn’t enough.

I feel for the young men who signed with Penn State to play football. I truly hope the NCAA helps them - and other students - transfer easily to other schools.

But make no mistake about it, these penalties by the NCAA will hurt. They’ll hurt State College and the surrounding area. They’ll hurt students. But we need to keep our eyes open to reality. We need to remember our priorities as civilized people.

Joe Paterno let Jerry Sandusky turn Penn State into a pedophilia camp. Let us not forget how heinous the crimes were at Penn State. And they were covered up because of football.

Penn State needs to dump the football program. And Americans need some time to think about how far we are willing to allow our love of sports take us off the path of basic humanity.



2 Responses to “Penn State deserves worse”

  1. RockE on July 26th, 2012 3:31 am

    Paterno, a brilliant non-pedophile coach, was in it to win it, as are all money-generating collegiate athletic program managers…Sadly, their only scruples are based on that which transpires in recruiting and winning that gets them busted .Assuming Paterno’s job description didn’t include campus police chief, give Penn St a smackdown but leave the Joe Pa legacy intact.

  2. Jana Vaught on July 26th, 2012 1:21 pm

    Jerry Sandusky was such an obvious paedophile that I don’t think any sane person could claim they did not know- I knew from his tv spots on how much he “loved kids” and his disgusting face lit up like a gruesome Christmas tree. Can you imagine the pain and shocking fear of his victims?

    I am glad the fine was that high, I wish it had been more. Sandusky also needs to be relieved of Every. Last. Cent. he ever earned, too bad about his own family!

    Now, how about the guy with the fish hat in the Vatican- he deserves FAR worse.

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