The 4th Estate: Feeding cake to power, figuratively and literally

September 14, 2012 by  

Politico's Ginger Gibson offers Mitt Romney some birthday cake.

A Politico reporter literally gives Mitt Romney some of her birthday cake, as George Stephanopoulus figuratively feeds Romney cake by allowing him to call President Obama a liar without asking the Republican nominee about his own well-deserved reputation as a liar.

The U.S. Media: Feeding cake to power.

(Photo via AP)




2 Responses to “The 4th Estate: Feeding cake to power, figuratively and literally”

  1. Michael on September 14th, 2012 6:30 am

    I really hope they gave Milton a piece, too.

  2. Donate to me or I won’t Tweet & Blog Obama to victory « Important Blog News « William K. Wolfrum Chronicles on September 24th, 2012 5:57 am

    [...] I saying that I alone - through tweets and blog posts such as this - control the fate of this election? Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. And while I [...]

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