Thursday, 3 p.m. EST on Twitter - “Twootloose: A Live Twitter Examination of the Social, Political and Moral Implications of Footloose”
May 20, 2009 by William K. Wolfrum

Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, tomorrow, Thursday, at 3 p.m. EST, I will be Live-Twittering the famed Kevin Bacon film, “Footloose.”
The event is entitled: “Twootloose: A Live Twitter Examination of the Social, Political and Moral Implications of Footloose”
Basically, it will be 1 hour and 48 minutes of fun, frivolity, and me Twittering my ass off while watching Footloose. This project is being undertaken for three big reasons:
1) Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the release of Footloose;
2) Celebrating the upcoming remake of Footloose, and;
3) Just to have some fun.
How to be involved: If you are on Twitter, or join, follow me at @wolfrum or, you can keep up with me using the search term and hash #footloose
Anyone is free to be involved, just put the hash #footloose after any Tweet you would like to add to Twootloose. In a perfect world, followers could pop a DVD of Footloose into their computer and follow along real time. But being that that is likely a longshot for most, just following along will be more fun that you can shake a stick at. That is, if stick-shaking is how you rate your fun. Also, when it’s over, I will post all my #footloose Tweets in order on this blog, so you can follow along if and when you choose to watch the movie.
Question? If you have any, ask them in comments and I’ll get back to you. It may sound more complicated than it is. It’ll be a piece of cake, and a good time will be had by all. I hope you join me @wolfrum on Twitter, tomorrow. The film and Tweet commentary will begin at 3 p.m. sharp.
Update: If you don’t have Footloose available on DVD or Avi, you can also follow along via the screenplay, which you can find here: Footloose Screenplay
Footloose and Conair - the two best movies EVER!
if and when you choose to watch the movie.
“if and when” — i.e., “you will watch it”
Does this mean I have to sign up for Twitter — cause woe be unto me if I don’t experience this in real time!!!!
Bob, you can either join Twitter or go to and refresh the page to keep up. I’d really advise joining though, so you can comment, as well. Plus, Depending how you use Twitter and who you follow, it’s a very nice little resource.
Let me know if you have any problems. I definitely want you to be there
Dancing leads to alcohol and sex and smart ass people who say we descended from monkeys. That’s not my culture and heritage. Is that your culture and heritage?
Dancing also leads to skinny ties worn on the outside of collars of unbuttoned shirts. And yellow VW Bugs. And the wrath of John Lithgow. And the soundtrack to “Way Back Wednesday” at every college bar from here to Moscow.
Just from these comments so far, I believe you can sense the wild hilarity that will ensue tomorrow.
Once again, I receive confirmation for my suspicions that the Internet & its various tools, features, & sundry permutations exist solely to bring the Mind of Wolfrum to the great unwashed masses.
Any chance that you’ll be streaming video of yourself during Twootlooseapalooza?
If I’m not mistaken, these were the exact words my high school Health teacher used in his sex ed lecture.
Naw. I’ll just be sitting there naked, watching Footloose, typing and scarfing Ho-Hos. Nothing to see there.
And if your wireless connection shuts down and you get really pissed and frustrated, you just fucking dance the shit out of yourself, all over the house, the front yard, the backyard, the garage…
That is one of the reasons I am doing this, you know. Growing up in a conservative household, sometimes I’d just get so mad I’d have to go find an empty warehouse and just DANCE!
If you do any 80′s dancing, please remember to wear leg warmers. You wouldn’t want your legs to get cold.
[...] William K. Wolfrum Chronicles Bill Wolfrum’s world of news, satire and commentary « Thursday, 3 p.m. EST on Twitter - “Twootloose: A Live Twitter Examination of the Social, Political and Moral Implications of Footloose” [...]
[...] Hey folks, I’ll be updating this post over the next couple hours with my Tweets (and the Tweets of others) from the Footloose Live-Twitter Extravaganza. I’ll also be posting Videos and photos here to add to the experience. Find out more about how to follow along at Twitter here and here. [...]