You do not go with the gun control debate you want, you go with the gun control debate you have

December 21, 2012 by  

The main problem of any rational gun control debate in the U.S. is thus:

One side wants zero gun control regulation and view guns as intangible objects that define their Liberty. Liberty is an intangible concept.

The other side wants rational and responsible gun control regulations and view guns as tangible objects designed to kill tangible objects. Tangible objects such as humans.

Many more people reside within the middle of these two sides. But they are not invited to the debate.



4 Responses to “You do not go with the gun control debate you want, you go with the gun control debate you have”

  1. Michael Scott on December 26th, 2012 8:53 am

    Well said! I suppose the big question is: if a massacre like that which occurred in Newtown can’t get the strong, silent types involved what can?

  2. Susan Cady on December 30th, 2012 8:04 am

    You have hit it with the objects, add mega pick-ups, bikes, boats, RVs, and a myriad of toys for status, collections, stuff, spend, spend. The intangible of Ownership then demands protective measures. Both rural and city folk are deeply trained to buy, and the “consumer protection” of weaponry hits on the other inbred intangible: Fear of unhinged unknown Other (who is us).

  3. dgun on January 4th, 2013 8:27 am

    I agree with Susan. I’m not sure what her post means, but it sounds like something I would agree with.

  4. Susan Cady on January 4th, 2013 1:33 pm

    :)) Deep chuckles . . .Hey dgun, my license plate is ALOWING - so the post means whatever you like.
    i.e. We Amuricans worship stuff, protect it, and then worry about meeting the Enemy and he is us (Pogo)

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